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30 minute workout for women

30-minute full body workout

icon strength training

Strength Training and cardio

icon fitness coaching

One-on-one coaching


Designed for women

The Curves Programme

Curves fitness programme

Designed for women, a proven full body workout, featuring Strength Training, Cardio and Flexibility with a coach that cares.

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Welcome to Curves!

Our coaches are waiting to support you through your wellness journey!

Arrange your free Consultation and take advantage of our current offer! Try our 30-minute Workout a combination of Strength training and Cardio.

We look forward to meeting you.

Why Curves?

Own your fitness club

Curves provides the opportunity to combine skills in business with a love of helping people to achieve their life goals.

Franchisee success is important to us, we provide what you need to start, grow, and maintain a successful business.